marți, 30 martie 2010


If 10% of the people of this world want peace today, I swear to you there would be peace today. Today, I mean right now. It's that simple (Serj Tankian)


We humans have our limits, but nature is a true genius in whose abstract we search our art . We often forget that nature doesn’t belong to people, but in fact men belong to nature. We must admit that we are part from nature.
Humans are efemerity compared to the efemerity of nature.......
humans is a part of Natures father is the Sun ,Earth is mother ,symbiosis ,symbiosis in motion , eternal elements in fall ..ephemeral transience constituting immortality ...ephemeral elements constituting eternal ...."controlled" chaos ...peace in universe equilibrium by degradation ..compose..reproduction.....falling stars ..the sky is full of stars......falling stars ..other stars are born ....death... life.. "Explode or implode,External is eternally internal, And internal creates the external in eternity.The universe is trying to create eternal energy,The flesh as a part in the assembly Of the investiture of order, balance,
Peace. "
(tankian art )

luni, 29 martie 2010


In lume sunt destui nebuni sa iti aprecieze nebunia ....doar trebie sa te faci cunoscut FANILOR!!

serj tankian

“Art doesn’t belong to us. It doesn’t belong to people, it belongs to the universe. It comes FROM the universe. It comes THROUGH us. When I write something, I think I know what I’m saying, but I never pretend to know the full meaning of the words.”


artistul fara piceoare....DIN VISUL MEU ...geniul peste mediocritati....universul ce-l inspira.PIERDUT IN TRANSCENDENTA ..elemente efemere ce compun imortalitatea ...principiul I al termodinamicii....nimic nu se pierde totul se transforma...reproducerea continua armonie din hazard ...simbioza in Natura... NEMURITORUL UNIVERS...Natura ....NATURA TRANSCEDE PRIN NOI ARTA.... ARTA SE TRANSCEDE IN NATURA ....TRANSCENDENTA IN VIZUAL MISCARE MIROS CULOARE ...TABLOU POEZIE CANTEC PEISAJ PLAOIE ... HAZARD HAOS CE COMPUN ARMONIA ... PACE


Where you goingTo the bottomDo you hear usWe are rotting .... transiency in all....rotten....why bombs....why war.....why to hate.....realize ....DEATH ..PEACE...PEACE...PEACE ...not even GOD gonna save us now !!!!!! ...PEACE